Sea Control

Sea Control 236 - SEA SHANTIES!!! YARGGGGH!

Episode Summary

We have an all star cast to discuss (and SING!) some sea shanties! Two of the faces of the Shantytok movement, Frank & Promise Uzowulu, join us to discuss how they discovered sea shanties and why they appreciate the medium. Craig Edwards breaks down the history of the shanty and John Bromley and Craig perform a series of shanties for us! Please see the links for some of our favorites!

Episode Notes

Links (In this instance, simply a list of Sea Shanties I enjoy):

1. Bully in the Alley

2. Santiana

3. The Wellerman (featuring Promise & Frank Uzuwolu)

4. Go to Sea No More

5. Row Me Bully Boys

6. Barrett's Privateers

7. The Longest Johns Play Sea of Thieves
