Sea Control

Sea Control 179 - The Bilgepumps Episode 2

Episode Summary

Run fast, it's another historically informed maritime current events podcast - or possibly what three naval geeks trapped in a pub would sound like if recorded ... So what is episode two about? Well the #Bilgepumps team are talking about China in the East & South China Seas again, what is the difference between Gunboat Diplomacy & Naval Diplomacy, the American Navy, several frigate projects, our idea for a huge WWII anniversary exercise involving every allied ship you can think of and oh so much history. #Bilgepumps is a new series and new avenue, we don't know if it's going to be popular or hated, we hope you like it and we hope you enjoy the discussion, any comments or suggestions then please either tweet them at the #Bilgepump Crew (with #Bilgepump) Alex @AC_NavalHistory, Drach @Drachinifel & Jamie @Armouredcarrier or comment on our youtube channels.

Episode Notes


  1. Dr. Alex Clarke's Youtube Channel
  2. Drachinifel's Youtube Channel
  3. Jamie Seibert's Youtube Channel